
The opening weekend of the 4th International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam (IABR), Open City:...
In the course of the Symposium "The Future of the Informal" at the 4th International...
This week, the construction of the new bridge to the 4th IABR's main exhibition started! ...
What are the main issues for urban managers in the 21st century, how does urban development connect...
lecture Kees Christiaanse at LSE, London more...
The program: 18/09 Introduction I: on the Open City by Kees Christiaanse,...
The Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies of the Erasmus University Rotterdam...
On 3 December, Urban Age inaugurates an intensive two-day conference on the future of global cities...
Workshop, January 15-16, 2009 Hosted by Bilgi University, Istanbul In the Summer of 2008, Can...
Open City: Designing Coexistence is an international architecture and urban design symposium,...
On March 5, 2009, the ETH Zurich and the IABR hosted a symposium entitled Open City: Designing...
Location: Indonesian Architects' Institute Jakarta chapter, Jakarta Design Center, Jakarta,...
In collaboration with the 4th IABR sub-theme Squat, curated by Rainer Hehl and Jörg Stollmann, the...
On 3 September, the Dutch broadcaster VPRO will host a festival-evening in Amsterdam to launch...
On 13 September, 4th IABR's Urban Century opens with the Dutch talk show Buitenhof. Politician...
Amsterdam is an old lady, but she is set on having a metropolitan make over. After all, cities have...
This year’s “Internationale Keuze Debat”, the conference traditionally organized...
Bregtje van der Haak’s latest documentary, Grand Paris, the President and the...
To cope with an influx of migrants, the Ethiopian capital must build apartment buildings at...
The satirical TV program Draadstaal devotes an entire edition to the theme of the city. ...
City Councilor Floor Wibaut was one of the most dynamic politicians active in 20th century...
French President Sarkozy has ambitious plans for the Paris of the future and is looking for the...
Over a period of six months four migrants are being filmed in four different cities in the world...
In 2010, one of the sites for the World Football Championships will be in Johannesburg’s...
Wallpaper* magazine presents some of the most exciting emerging global architectural talent in an...
Andere Tijden focuses on Floor Wibaut – Amserdam's dynamic and socially conscious city...
Live radio coverage of the opening of the International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam. ...
Detroit, stad in vrije val from VPRO Eeuw van de Stad on Vimeo (in Dutch) Once the...
Still some places available - for enquiries: cvanvlodrop@iabr Micro- and Macro-scale...
A radiophonic version of the special IABR-dedicated issue published by the literary magazine De...
The New Rijksmuseum (120 mins.) by Oeke Hoogendijk (2008) Every Sunday afternoon, a documentary...
The VVDs vision on the future of Amsterdam. Stories, ideas, observations. The evening program...
Location: Berlage Institute, Botersloot 25, NL 3011 HE Rotterdam, The Netherlands, T. +31.10...
Four million people in one huge gated community, a satellite of New Delhi: Is Gurgaon the latest...
Larry Beasley, former Co-director of Urban Planning for Vancouver, will be giving a lecture as a...
An evening organized by the Chamber of Commerce. Stories, ideas, presentations about the future of...
Location: Berlage Institute, Botersloot 25, NL 3011 HE Rotterdam, The Netherlands, T. +31.10...
The IDFA (International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam) is the world’s biggest festival...
Within the framework of The Free State of Amsterdam and in memory of the founding father of modern...
Curators Wouter Vanstiphout and Zef Hemel on their Rotterdam and Amsterdam entries, respectively,...
Jakarta has been blighted by permanent traffic jams and spatial-planning incompetence....
Conference on ‘open cities’ IHS -Making Cities Work The institute for Housing and...
Every Friday afternoon, a local ‘cultural ambassador’ appears at the IABR as host or...
Location: Berlage Institute, Botersloot 25, NL 3011 HE Rotterdam, The Netherlands, T. +31.10...
A guided tour of the Forum exhibition by and with an introduction from co-curator Tim Rieniets (CH)...
Amsterdam Global Village (245 mins.) by Johan van der Keuken (1996). Every Sunday afternoon, a...
Together with the 4th IABR, Rotterdam ArchiGuides organizes cycling tours, combined with a visit to...
The Rotterdam Municipal Archives and film theater Lantaren/Venster present, in the series...
The IDFA (International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam) is the world’s biggest festival...
Lecture by The Free State of Amsterdam curator Zef Hemel on the future of the city. The evening...
Location: Berlage Institute, Botersloot 25, NL 3011 HE Rotterdam, The Netherlands, T. +31.10...
Presentation and judging of entries for the student design contest on the future of the city....
Location: Berlage Institute, Botersloot 25, NL 3011 HE Rotterdam, The Netherlands, T. +31.10...
Urban development firm ZUS talks to guests about its designs for a new water park between the...
The IDFA (International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam) is the world's biggest festival for...
Location: Berlage Institute, Botersloot 25, NL 3011 HE Rotterdam, The Netherlands, T. +31.10...
Oost-Watergraafsmeer Precinct talks to guests about the future of the Amstel River and its banks...
The invasion of large numbers of conservative and religious people from the countryside into...
Lars Lerup: Open City and the American Suburb Lecture by Lars Lerup (US), architect, author and...
Every Friday afternoon, a local ‘cultural ambassador’ appears as host or hostess of a...
Urhahn Urban Design talks to guests about its design for the Vliegenbos and environs area in...
Presentation by Lars Lerup (US) of the Biennale Master Class ‘Foaming at the Edge’...
A guided tour by and with an introduction by Daniel D'Oca partner of Interboro (US),...
By Mathan Ratinam, Toni Schade and Andrea Zalewski, Moving Image Lab at Columbia (MILC) Cities...
De stad was van ons [The City was Ours] (110 minutes) by Joost Seelen (1996). Every Sunday...
The IDFA (International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam) is the world's biggest festival for...
In cooperation with the 4th International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam (IABR), Rotterdam...
A discussion on Amsterdam as a limited-traffic zone. Is a street more attractive without cars, and...
The CDAs vision on the future of Amsterdam. Stories, ideas, observations. The evening program...