Reciprocity: workshop and progress
In collaboration with the 4th IABR, the curators of the sub-theme Reciprocity, Stephen Cairns and Daliana Suryawinata, have recently organized a 2-day workshop in Jakarta, hosted by IAI (Ikatan Arsitek Indonesia/ Indonesian Architect's Institute, Jakarta chapter).
During the workshop the winner of the International Design Competition Envisioning the Future of Jakarta was awarded. The aim of the competition aim was to focus on the possibilities of ´reciprocity´ onto urban and architectural matters, to investigate the capacities of this term, to serve as a relevant principle of urban life generally, and to revive its fortunes as an indigenous principle for thinking and action in the extended metropolitan region of Jakarta.
Workshop report
The full-day workshop took place on 7 May 2009. All contributors in Jakarta met and presented their projects. Critics consist of IABR curatorial team, leading practitioners, and a renowned photographer: Kees Christiaanse (IABR), Stephen Cairns (IABR), Daliana Suryawinata (IABR), Rik Frenkel (Triple A), Jo Santoso (Tarumanagara University), Ahmad Djuhara (IAI, djuhara+djuhara), Yandi Andri Yatmo (University of Indonesia), Ridwan Kamil (Urbane), Suryono Herlambang (Tarumanagara University), Florian Heinzelmann (SHAU), and Erik Prasetya (photographer).
Invited contributors together with winning participants from the international competition Envisioning the Future of Jakarta: Gotong Royong City were present. It was an intensive day full of interesting discussions and fruitful remarks. In the evening Kees Christiaanse held a public lecture 'Open City' in front of an enthusiastic audience of over 200 people. Several invited press were present as well.
The second day (8 May) was reserved for smaller meetings between the curatorial team with each contributor hosted by Jo Santoso, head of Planning, at Tarumanagara University, Jakarta.